Blogs by Dave Linhardt

The Best Tech Podcasts

Technology is constantly evolving these days. At the rate that we are moving, it seems like there are new developments on a daily basis. So, listening to some of the top podcasts out there can be a great way to keep pace with all the new trends. But what are the best...

What Is the IoT?

Interconnectivity has been the story of the Internet since it first began decades ago. With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), a new and exciting chapter of that story is about to begin. What Is the IoT? The basic idea behind the Internet of Things is to...

The Difference Between AR and VR

Decades ago, both virtual and augmented reality were either a poorly-thought out concepts for which the proper technology didn’t exist (see: the Virtual Boy) or relegated to the world of sci-fi. Today, however, both reality-bending technologies are indeed realities –...

What to Know About VPNs

A VPN is a Virtual Private Network. It allows you to have a secure connection when you are on the Internet. It will protect you when you are using a public WiFi network. Continue reading to learn what to know about VPNs. What Is a VPN? A VPN will connect your...

Careers in Technology

Getting some kind of technology seems like one of the safest plays you could make these days. But where can it take you? With such a generalized interest, you may not be sure of what to do or where to go. There are more than a few careers within the technology field...

What is Deep Learning?

Deep learning is part of the greater machine learning concept. It is about learning algorithms that provide function and structure of the brain known as artificial neural networks. Getting started with deep learning can leave you feeling confused. But with a deeper...